What goes into cancelling school

   As we all know all Jeffco schools have been cancelled due to the coronavirus. The decision was made to stop the spread of the coronavirus. There are many factors that go into cancelling school especially in the case of a spreading virus. This virus has been able to spread unprecedentedly. The major risk is to the elderly and the immunocompromised. Kids and younger adult’s feel almost no symptoms of this disease. That is actually the most dangerous part. Students and teachers can help spread this virus to the elderly by visiting grandparents or having interaction with older people at gatherings. This is the main reason they cancelled school. Dr. Glass and Governor Polis thought that this would be the best way to slow the disease.

   “We are acting boldly and swiftly together to protect the health and safety of all Coloradans,” Polis said in a statement from the Denver Post. “The science and data tells us this will get worse before it gets better.” Polis also has ordered the closures of ski resorts, restaurants, theatres, and gyms to be closed in Denver. This is all implemented to stop the spread. Since school is a big gathering of people the coronavirus would be able to spread throughout the school and each person would pass it on to someone outside of school and the cycle would just continue. Through plenty of thought, Dr. Glass and Jared Polis have determined it unsafe to be in school. Most recently Jared Polis cancelled school till April 17. “We need everyone to be in this together and keep a social distance” (Jared Polis from the Denver Post). 

    Luckily Jeffco has implemented a remote learning system so Jeffco Public Schools don’t have to make up school weeks in the summer. “Teachers, students, staff, and families will need to work together to redefine how learning happens,” Dr. Glass said. Teachers and Students are all learning how to do this remote learning process. This is a move the Jeffco superintendent made knowing that he was going to cancel the physical school but that he could do online, virtual school to keep the kids learning. Jeffco was cancelled a little later than most schools because they didn’t want to panic and they wanted to see what was going to happen with this disease.

  The government helped make the decision for Jared Polis and Dr. Glass. The government made a statement saying that everyone should go into self-isolation because of covid-19. Hearing this Jared Polis cancelled DPS and Dr. Glass quickly followed cancelling JPS. Overall the reasons that they decided to cancel school was that they needed to slow the virus and follow government orders. Those were the two main factors. As you see, there were lots of deciding factors that went into cancelling school for the coronavirus.