New Netflix show offers help with cleaning out life

Recently this year Netflix has released a new home series focusing on renovation and decluttering titled “Tidying up with Marie Kondo,” directed by Jade Sandberg Wallis. However, the show does not only go skin deep when tackling the issue of disarrangement. Star and creator of the show Marie Kondo offers assistance to families in need of prioritizing what they do and do not need to help better their lives. Families include people of all ages: young people, teenagers, and adults. This includes students at A-West, who can benefit from Kondo’s teachings.  

One of Kondo’s favorite quotes is, “Keep only those things that speak to your heart.”

Her show appeals to a minimalist aesthetic by only retaining material items that have true value. She refers to this as the KonMari method. The heart of a person has room for many items and valuables, however, the quantity of these can eventually become problematic. The steps of the KonMari method include: commit yourself to tidying up, imagine your ideal life, finish letting go first, tidy by category and not by location, follow the right order, and ask yourself if it sparks joy.

This minimalist aesthetic she presents is attributed to her Japanese heritage by some viewers at A-West. Sophomore Jasmine Nguyen states, “She has a background in the Japanese culture and we know that Japanese culture is quite disciplined.”

Kondo’s Japanese culture is quite a contrast from the typical American style. According to The Washington Post up to 6% of Americans are hoarders. This means that roughly 19,542,000 people are classified hoarders.

Introducing Kondo into a struggling American home creates a culture shock. Nguyen continues, “I think it’s kind of nice to watch because she helps people who aren’t as disciplined and it’s kind of amusing to watch because it’s almost like culture shock to the people getting help.”

Kondo’s popularity is an example of cultural diffusion, which is necessary in today’s world. With people becoming more tolerant and diversity increasing, cultural assimilation is eventual and positive.

Kondo is hopefully only the first of many to share cultural tips that can benefit everyone. Spread of culture should be encouraged and promoted, and Kondo is a sign that this will continue.