Student Council Elections: Calista Bergstrom, junior class president

Junior class president candidate Calista Bergstrom.

“I’m running on the platform that I want to be the best I can for the rest of the class and let everybody put their trust in me.” Calista Bergstrom, current member of the class of 2020, is running for junior class president against Charles Wiebeck and Jordan Martinez.

Bergstrom believes that the biggest issue students face today is feeling comfortable. “There’s a lot of people around that are really negatively impacting your day and judging you … especially with me being in public eye right now, I feel this pressure to get ready every morning and for everybody to see me at the best state I can be. It’s kind of a high standard for everybody … it’s not achievable.”

She copes with this issue by feeling good enough about herself to put herself out there enough to run for Junior class president through pep talks. In her morning chats with herself, Bergstrom says things like, “You’re going to do your best you can today…you’re going to make everything possible that you try.”

“I live off the motto of ‘Have a great day, or not, the choice is yours’,” describes Bergstrom.

“I want to bring everybody together to collectively be an amazing environment and entity at games, prom, and homecoming,” states Bergstrom.

A leader can be defined in many different ways, and Bergstrom defines one by three main traits, “…responsibility, organization, and involvement, and I feel like I have all three of those. Especially involvement, considering I’m in many, many different groups. I feel like I see Arvada West from a different aspect since I’ve been involved in sports and…in the academic side of things as well.”

What Bergstrom believes sets her apart from Charles Wiebeck and Jordan Martinez is her involvement in extracurriculars besides Student Council. Bergstrom is in Spanish Honors Society and Student Voice, she used to be on the cheer team, and she lifeguards and teaches kids to swim as a job. The junior class president is the person who runs the prom committee, and she is the only one out of the three candidates helping with prom this year, giving her some experience that may be helpful if she wins this year. She participated in the planning of next year’s prom and has been a part of the process this year, so she’s aware of the process for next year and more ready to jump into action.

In reference to her previous experience in leadership positions, Bergstrom said, “In my middle school I was president of NJHS and president of Student Council my 8th grade year. I was also head of the debate club.”

Be sure to read about the other candidates Calista Bergstrom is running against to be the most informed in your vote. Download the 5 Star Students app (Apple App Store, Google Play Store) before April 19 so that you can put in your vote.