Student Council Elections: Amelie Bauer, junior class president

Meg Meyer

Junior class president candidate Amelie Bauer.

Editor’s note: These profiles are designed to give the student body a better look into the candidates that are running for sophomore class president, junior class president, senior class president, and student body and student body vice president. Voting will be open from Thursday, April 11 at 6:00 a.m. through Friday, April 12 at 3:00 p.m. and can be done through this link. 

Sophomore Amelie Bauer is running for junior class president. She has been in student council for one year now and she feels fully equipped and ready to lead the 2019-2020 junior class next year. She is involved in track, cross country, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, journalism, and she was a cheerleader as well.

Her leading campaign strategies are posters, social media interaction, giving out candy with a slogan on them, and even a Snapchat filter that will be ready on Thursday from 7 to 4.

“I go in ready to fight and I believe in myself,” said Bauer.

Her slogan is “Vote for a more positive and motivated community!”

This would not be her first leadership role. She was also a part of the student government at Drake Middle School and was in a small student government in elementary school.

“Being involved in the school is something that just makes me feel fulfilled and allows me to enjoy my high school experience to the max.”

One of Bauer’s reasons that she loves StuCo is because it is “such a great community of such hardworking people with strong goals ahead of them. It’s a wonderful community to take place in and be able to experience high school with.”

She is thankful for a group of awesome friends that support her in campaigning for her role in StuCo as junior class president. 

Bauer says one of her biggest accomplishments being in StuCo is implementing an app called Excelerist to make a better community. But also she has grown as an individual. 

“I feel like StuCo has allowed me to kick down the walls of my own box and pour myself into new situations. My characteristics as a leader have grown, StuCo has lead me to create ambitious goals as well as create simple ‘need to know’ things like having formal email exchanges with business or phone calls.” 

Why does Bauer want to take on such a big responsibility? 

“Junior class president has been something I have had my heart set on since last August. I knew walking into high school I wanted to take some sort of leadership position, and once I joined student council, the door opened for me.”

Bauer is not just running for the fun of it, but she has big plans to make changes as a leader. Starting August of next year, there will be a pilot program implemented through an app called Excelerist. She found this app and ran her idea past activities director Shawn Collins and student council sponsor Lindsey Welsh. She aspires to make a more positive and motivated community through this app. The purpose of the app is to reward students for their daily successes and activities that they are involved in such as sports and school hosted events. If enough points are racked up, students can go to local businesses and restaurants and get free or discounted items.

“The app opens the door for many other opportunities and possibilities for the improvement of the Arvada West Community… I want each A-West student to invest in themselves.”

Not only is she setting up an app and advocating for herself, but she also did the upperclassman a favor as well. She has gone through the whole process of finding next year’s prom venue and delivered her idea to the juniors and seniors to help them out as well. 

Bauer plans to complete her goal of bettering the community of A-West.

“I have a set goal to do so. I have my ambitious characteristic to drive me through that goal. I have my mind, heart and everything else in between set on fueling this school to be better in every way it can.”

She is willing to work extremely hard to represent her class well and she feels ready to take on such a big role. Bauer has worked hard for this and would be extremely overjoyed if she won. She wants this role because she is determined represent her class well.

“I want to bring in an element of positivity and motivation to not just my class, but the whole school.”

Sophomore Amelie Bauer has poured her heart and soul into this position and she feels fully equipped to lead the Junior class of 2019-2020.