What to expect during Wish Week with the new addition of incentives
Wish Week incentives are offering everything and more ranging from teachers dyeing their hair to getting pied in the face which already sounds too good to be true, but these incentives offer even more great prizes through other events during Wish Week. Kicking off on February 10, all kinds of intriguing incentives can be expected to encourage donations to the Make-A-Wish foundation during A-West Wish Week.
Student body Vice President Emma Brochers explains, “Incentives are to get people excited and involved with wish week and donating. It’s also a way to raise awareness for the make a wish foundation as a whole.”

Participating in the various incentives is simple. Student Council is holding a giveaway on their Instagram during Wish Week allowing one lucky winner to receive some A-West gear. By simply following the account, liking the post, and tagging three friends, students are entered into the giveaway. Extra money donated gives chances of additional entries.
Another incentive to be marking down in calendars is Tackle-A-Challenge day taking place on Thursday the 11 of this week. For this challenge, students are being asked to build something with 10 different items found around their house. Let the creativity run wild! Submissions can be sent to the Student Council email, [email protected], or direct messaged to the Student Council Instagram account. Tackling this challenge may result in principal Geree Santarelli donating $1,000 to the Make-A-Wish foundation if 100 submissions are received.
Participating in this challenge will dramatically help in reaching the goal set for donations and be able to grant as many wishes as possible.
“Our goal is about $7,000, but with the help of our students and staff, we are hoping to surpass that goal!” Brochers exclaims.
There are many other events to excite students into helping reach this goal, such as participating in the Walk-For-Wish event. Held virtually on Saturday the 13 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., students are encouraged to walk however they please-individually or with their families and to also acquire sponsors using the sponsor log. More wishes can be granted depending on how many people walk and how far they walk, so get out there and walk Wildcats!

The idea of incentives is new to A-West this year, but it is already setting the stage to become a big hit in racking up donations.
Brochers describes, “This is our first year doing incentives. Wish Week is normally a week full of fun events that students can partake in, but due to Covid restrictions, those events are canceled. With those events being canceled, the idea of incentives was thrown out to us, and we liked the idea and made it our own.”
Wish Week has adapted for COVID-19 and incentives are the perfect way to not only excite students but to raise money for a good cause along the way. Once accumulating $3,000, the first staff member will do a crazy challenge. A new incentive will be done after every $1,000 following. The only way to find out what wacky challenges the teachers are up to is to donate. Get out there and donate to help grant wishes and make a difference!

Haylee Griffith is a junior this year and this is her third year on staff. She has had a passion for writing and painting since she was little and enjoys...