Great Gatsby; life skill or waste of time

Great Gatsby; not only a book that you read in 9th grade honors class here at A-West but it’s a book that’s popular throughout the world. Everyone has heard the word Gatsby at least once. 

One of A-West’s English 9 honors students Megan Gundlach read the Great Gatsby this year. Although no one wants to read books for school that might not interest them, Gundlach seemed to be particularly interested in this book. 

“I mean when I first heard we were reading Great Gatsby I had a mix of emotions, I hear everyone say it’s a good book but then when I started reading it I just didn’t really see what all the fuss was about,” claims Gundlach.

Another student at A-West, Julia Steifvater, also read Great Gatsby as an assignment and completely agrees with Gundlach.

“I had heard from multiple people that it was such a good book and honestly I was excited. But then I started reading it. The book didn’t really get good till the end when I really got the meaning of the book,” says Steifvater.

Although many students may think of this book as boring, there has to be a deeper meaning behind it. There’s a reason that it’s an assignment.


“I think that it taught me to always remember the people in my life even if they hurt me in the past, Gatbsy didn’t have anyone because they all just took him for granted insead of learning the real him,” says Gundlach. 

Steifvater thinks that there is a lesson behind this book.

“Like we talked about in class, the American Dream is a disappointment. Gatsby gained his status by being wealthy but his true dream was to be with his one true love, Daisy. So I think the lesson behind the book is chasing your dreams even if you don’t achieve them,” explains Steifvater.

Lessons are different from usefulness.

“I think that although not the most enjoyable book, other than the few twists. It’s still a great book and I’m super glad that I got to read it because now I do have that valuable life lesson and I can be the kind of person who tells others how good that book was,” explains Gundlach.

“I completely agree with Megan, not the most exciting book but I really enjoyed reading it and would definitely recommend it to someone else,” says Steifvater.

Not all books have to be the best but when reading, but regardless just dig deep and find the bigger meaning.