A year of firsts

The countdown is on; 24 days of school left until freshmen become sophomores. Time is of the essence, and the clock is ticking. Years have flown by already and here they are, in high school. First year over with three to go. 

Freshman Marissa Simpson expresses how fast her freshman year went: “It felt like any other school year to be honest. I remember going into 9th grade worried that I was going to be overloaded and stressed from stories that my parents told me saying that middle school was way different than high school.”

Growing up, children’s parents would warn them of change, big or little, it was bound to happen.

“When I got to high school, yes, it was a change, but nothing traumatic that I couldn’t handle. I felt like I was going into something super scared and now looking back on this past year and realizing that I really had nothing to be scared of,” continues Simpson.

Research shows that most kids transitioning from middle school to high school have first day jitters and what it might be like starting at a new school

“Looking back on my freshman year, I would tell my 8th grade self not to worry so much. Although it’s a change, it’s not a big one. Have fun and enjoy it, as soon as you hit high school time flies” concludes Simpson.

Another freshman at A-West, Sammy Guenther, agrees with Simpson. 

“I walked into high school knowing some of the kids that I went to school with and I still felt overwhelmed. I didn’t want to walk into the wrong class. It kinda felt like the first day jitters that I’ve experienced every year coming into a new grade,” explains Guenther.

Walking into a new grade should be exciting and nerve racking all the time, the first time in high school is so daunting.

“The thing I was most worried about going into 9th grade was the homework stress, I was worried about the load and how much i would have every night on top of extracurricular activities. As the year went on I realized that it wasn’t as hard to manage as I thought. I found an equal balance,” concludes Guenther” 

Being a freshman can seem frightening; entering a new school with new people you’ve never met before. Kids go from 8th grade being top dog and having younger grades look up to them, back down to the bottom as a freshman and being known as “freshies”. Freshman years hold memories that prepare us and excite us for the rest of our high school years. Memories will be cherished.