The N-word in schools: A call for caution and understanding

The N-word has too much hurtful meaning and history behind it, so students and teachers should not be able to say it when reading a book aloud in class. In the English language, the N-word is an ethnic slur typically directed at colored people. It was used derogatorily, and by the mid-20th century, particularly in the United States, its usage by non-African Americans became unambiguously racist insult. If a student truly knew what the N-word meant to me as an African American woman, then he or she would know why I feel like teachers should not allow these books to be read in school. Knowing the way kids use it out of school versus in school is unbelievable. 

“To Kill A Mockingbird” has been removed from curricula and banned in schools across the US due to its use of the N-word and other racial epithets that promote “racial hatred, racial division, racial separation.” All schools should move banned these books, it’s not like these are the only books schools can provide. Why have students read these books with no lesson on why we are reading them or no lesson behind the N-word?

Schools that have educators teach about these books need to have a balance. Yes, we should learn about the history of the N-word. What teachers do not see is the way students use the N-word out of school and in school. For example, in a simple conversation, students of other races will use it to greet each other. When African Americans use this word with each other, we know the contexts and it is not racists because it is within our race which makes it alright. The offensive nature of the N-word term has taken on the meaning of the original word; therefore, that term which is in most banned books should be banned also.