STEAM Club Review

   Steam club is a smart learning environment that includes fun activities to do. They work on robotics and several other activities. Connor Driscoll is the president of STEAM club. He loves the opportunities at STEAM club. Many members love the math competitions or the egg drop activities. STEAM club is a great opportunity for kids to learn and grow their minds and their personality. There is no set  limit to how many kids that can join STEAM club. Connor Driscoll loves coming to STEAM club each day. 

        Driscoll had many valuable insights to STEAM club. “ I am really looking forward to the Tsa event where we do a bunch of group projects like building a submarine or a flight endurance airplane.”These are all group projects which Driscoll got 3rd place in. STEAM club builds robots and it doesn’t sound like it would be too hard to get the hang of it. “It is actually pretty easy, so if you know how to work with motors it shouldn’t be to hard but we also have this kit with little robots which is pretty nifty.” This little kit helps you learn about robots and they can follow certain patterns and colored lines.” You are not required to participate in all STEAM club events but it is advised that you do.” You can join STEAM club by talking to Mrs. Stewart or by just talking to Driscoll, the president of STEAM club. It is pretty easy and they will just sign you up as long as you are committed to participate and come to the meetings and events. Driscoll likes being the president of STEAM club for the most part, “ It is pretty good but you are in charge of a lot and you have to make some pretty hard decisions.” He has to help decide what projects to do and when would be a good time for meetings. 

       Overall STEAM club is a wonderful club. They help out with the community, they are committed to hard work, determination, and thinking outside the box. STEAM club enjoys doing exciting activities that help your brain to come up with a plan to solve the activities. You can get anything from group work to working by yourself so it fits all learning skills that different people have. STEAM club is such a rigorous and great club. So the choice is up to you if you decide to join STEAM club.